Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Geography of Childhood

In keeping with the press that has been generated recently by the "No Child Left Inside" initiative I wanted to highlight another interesting book that I read for a recent Child Development class.

"The Geography of Childhood: Why Children Need Wild Places" (Nahban & Trimble 1994) is a compilation of essays by two naturalists whose writings draw on many of their own outdoor experiences as children. Reading some of the essays evoked many of my own childhood memories spent outdoors and definitely served as a reminder of why it is so important to instill that outdoor ethic in kids early on.

Many educators in the field have already read (and own copies of) Richard Louv's "Last Child in the Woods," in which he references Nahban and Trimble's book. At any rate, "Geography" is a great addition to any environmental educator's library. Below is a link for more information. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Tony said...

Thanks for the info and the new blogspots! I can't wait to see what this develops into. Happy Trails!