These are a few names that have crossed my path recently, but not by choice. Being called those names didn’t bother me so much, but maybe it didn’t need to be taken to the extreme of labeling me a “Hippie” or “Crazy.” I shave my armpits, wear heels, and we feel we’re a very well balanced person in a good place…Just kidding only “I” am balanced. However, those names were used in a context that bothered me. Where do I start…
To make a long story short, about one month ago my best friend called me to tell me her box spring flew out of her truck and onto the interstate while moving back to school. (Fortunately no one was behind them.) The box spring ended up breaking as a result and my friend took it upon herself to drag it into the ditch and promptly leave it. I was blown away! How could someone be so lazy! She immediately got defensive and that’s when the names were thrown out. She countered, “unlike green hippies I chose safety over the environment.” I was also told to “go green, ya crazy environmentalist!” The conversation had ended at this point.
Now, she may have not been recreating outdoors but the ethic of leaving no trace still should resonate to some extent in our everyday lives (just as Sarah had stated in her last blog about the concert festival.) Not only did my friend not plan ahead (and properly attach the box spring to the truck), but left the box spring for others to admire, and eventually deal with.
So here is my question, how do you promote the idea of Leave No Trace and general environmental responsibilities to your friends without being considered too pushy or in this case…a crazy hippie?
i find that sounding completely horrified and disgusted works best, unfortunately. if my friend left a boxspring on the side of the road, i would make her feel like sh*t. why? because the people who call you a crazy hippie don't really deserve to be replied to with any more respect than they gave to you. being mean seems to have more effect than being nice. besides, it is really rude to do something like that, seriously. I can understand a gum wrapper maybe - but a boxspring? come on! the world is not her dumpster.
I find that setting a good example works relatively well. Or going out of your way to pick up after your friends, always drives the point home.
And what's so bad about being called a crazy environmentalist hippie? Could be a whole lot worse!
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