Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mean Mr. Winter

A few weeks ago I wrote about how important it is to embrace the winter and enjoy all that the glorious season has to offer. As I glare out the window on the gloomy day, little trickles of grey (not white) flakes beginning to dot the sky, I start drifting to a warm, sandy beach, water lapping, sun wrapping it’s gentle arms around…but what is that pesky noise, those kids in the background whining, fighting? It’s cabin fever! They’re my kids and they need to get out! But it’s sooooo cold. Oh sweet spring, tease us a little, show us a sign. You can’t be that far away.

But, alas, it’s only February. Even furry groundhogs know that we have at least two months left of mean, cold, relentless Mr. Winter. I guess it’s time I take my own advice and stop fighting the season. We wrap ourselves in our warmest coats, gloves, hats and anything else we can find and take a lovely (short) walk in the cold, down the street to the coffee shop. It might not be the greatest outdoor adventure but it is what it is today. I know soon enough, we’ll be complaining about the heat!

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