Thursday, February 21, 2008

PEAK Presentations

As you can see from the blog below, Leave No Trace: Kids Speak, teaching Leave No Trace to kids can be a lot of fun. I have been lucky enough to take part in a couple of PEAK Presentations here in Boulder and in Salt Lake City over the last month which has reminded me how enjoyable teaching PEAK can be. In addition to teaching, I have been interviewing teams for the Leave No Trace e-tour that is getting ready to hit the road this summer promoting responsible outdoor recreation to kids. Talking to and about kids all day makes me wonder what others might do when they are using the PEAK Pack or teaching youth about the outdoors. This community blog is a great place for all of us to share our stories and our resources. Many of you teach Leave No Trace and quite possibly teach PEAK Activities. What are some strategies that you have used to make your presentations more dynamic?

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