Thursday, February 7, 2008

So, what's your story?

Are you a Master Educator, Trainer, a dedicated volunteer or any combination of the three? Well, if you answered yes, we want to hear your story. The first ten people who comment to this blog will receive some Leave No Trace swag.

Here are some questions that might help you tell your volunteer story:

How are you involved in Leave No Trace in your area?
How many workshops do you provide each year?
What state do you live in?
Who is your states State Advocate?
What is your favorite Leave No Trace Activity?
What outdoor user groups do you work with?
Are you trained in Leave No Trace?
Do you own a PEAK Pack?
What are some creative ways to get involved in Leave No Trace in your area?
What does Leave No Trace mean to you?
What is your outdoor ethic?

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you all for everything you do for Leave No Trace!


Mike said...

My name's Mike, and I am a master educator in Kitchener, Ontario Canada. This is my first full season, and I have 3 seminars lined up so far. I hope to work with groups of all ages, and maybe specialize in paddlers. I have just ordered a PEAK pack, with the new modules, as well as the teenage activities and the new 101 book to boot. I think that interaction, instead of the usual power point performance, will help to motivate people to think about the 7 principles when out and about.
Hope to meet some of the international contingent of LNT folks some day- Let's have a conference!

Celtic Blue said...


I found out about Leave no Trace from Amy Allison and am excited to know you are here. I've always been an advocate for caring for our earth. I live in the Smoky Mountains of NC and will be a big Advocate for Leave No Trace now that I know you are here.

Sylva, NC is a town dedicated to being environmentally sound and protecting our mountains. I would like to help provide a booth for our Greening of the Mountains Festival in March. As a musician, I'm working on a song about the importance of Leave No Trace and would love to lead any presentations in the area. I work for SOAR wilderness camp for LD/ADHD youth.

Leave No Trace means that I will live in a manner so that this earth is here for the blessing of others. My farmer families taught me respect of the earth and that if the earth gives to you, then you care for the earth and give life back in a natural manner and that also means as little waste as possible. Simplify all aspects of life and leave no trace. Walk lightly on this earth.

Unknown said...

I heard about Leave No Trace when i took my first adventure trip in college. Since that trip, I have since become a college graduate with a degree in Wilderness Leadership and Experiential Education from Brevard College. We were required to take a Leave No Trace Trainer Workshop as part of our education from our own Master Trainer, Mr. Clyde Carter. I loved the course and I love teaching it too. I teach Leave no trace to my summer campers at Raleigh Parks and Recreation and have also taught it for the Wake Forest Arbor Day Celebration as the guest speaker. I think its fantastic.

Leave No Trace is wonderful and I'm so glad it is around. I believe people want to do the right thing... and now, there is a set of guidelines to help people on their way to "saving the earth".. or at least... "saving where they are camping."

Dave said...

Hello Mike and Bethany, thanks for telling us more about what you do. Please send me an email at

Thanks for all that you do for Leave No Trace!

Unknown said...


My name is Kim, and I am a Master Educator and the State Advocate for West Virginia. I've always been passionate about our environment and enjoy the outdoors. I first learned of LNT in the late 90's and became involved with spreading the word of LNT in 2001. I try to set a good example through my own actions especially when backpacking.

I work with groups of all ages. In recent years I have primarily worked with youth. I have a couple of Awareness Workshops, a Trainer Course and some other events/exhibits lined up for Spring 2008 and some great events already lined up for the Fall. I have noticed a significant increase in interest in my area, that is awesome!

I think it is important to keep LNT training fun, hands-on, minds-on, interactive and relate it to folks' daily lives too. I believe each of us can and want to make a difference. This year is going to be a great year for LNT!