Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Air Out There...

class·room /ˈklæsˌrum, -ˌrʊm,/
1. a room, as in a school or college, in which classes are held.
2. any place where one learns or gains experience.

at·mos·phere /ˈætməsˌfɪər/
6. a surrounding or pervading mood, environment, or influence: an atmosphere of impending war; a very tense atmosphere.
7. the dominant mood or emotional tone of a work of art, as of a play or novel: the chilly atmosphere of a ghost story.
8. a distinctive quality, as of a place; character: The old part of town has lots of atmosphere.
–verb (used with object)

"Classroom" and "Atmosphere" - both essential elements to learning.  Master them individually, and you have a perfectly suitable environment.  Combine them to "Classroom Atmosphere," however, and you have the ultimate learning experience.  

Below are a few of my favorite classroom pictures from a Master Educator Course that I recently completed with several colleagues in Western Colorado.

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