Monday, December 15, 2008


I took a short walk around the neighborhood last week with my son. As we passed one house with an impressive xeriscaped yard, he wanted play with all the rocks in the yard. It was a friend's house so it wasn't a big deal. However, when it was time to head home, he wanted to take a pocket full of rocks with him. It was challenging to explain to him why we couldn't take the rocks home. I think his two year old brain thinks that everything is (or should be) his.

It made me think of how I'm going to handle similar situations down the road regarding taking things from nature. It's difficult to make an argument for leaving seashells on a beach that is littered with them or explain why a a pine cone found in a dense stand of conifers should stay there. Regardless, my son would rather be outside than anywhere. That is a good thing...

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