Friday, July 17, 2009

Flamingos, Igaunas, and Finches Oh My!

A few summers ago I was lucky enough to travel with my family to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. These unique and one of a kind islands are inhabited by a variety of birds, reptiles and aquatic life that can't be found anywhere else in the world. Because these animals have never experienced human predators they are not afraid of humans, while this is nice is some respects because you can get a close view of the animals some tourists take advantage of this opportunity and invade the animals' personal space. While there, I saw the principle "respect wildlife" violated numerous times. Our guide was very aware of this problem and made sure our group kept our distance; however, in order for the Galapagos to keep it unique animal atmosphere people and guides are going to have to learn to keep their distance. I am sure the islands have lost some of their magic in the last decades because of the mass influx of visitors; however, if LNT principles are implemented and guides ensure their groups follow them the Galapagos will be able to stay the unique and beautiful place it is for generations to come.

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