Wednesday, August 5, 2009

National Order of the Arrow Conference-NOAC

The National Order of the Arrow Conference is a six day celebration where Arrowmen from around the world come together to share their ideas on lodge leadership, activities, and ceremonies as well as participate in a large variety of competitions. The conference is held every couple of years. This year it was at the University of Indiana. It always promises to be a week filled with fun and learning.
Our booth was set up in the Experience tent. We spoke with over 3,ooo Arrowmen about ways they can Leave No Trace on their outings. We were also able to sign up nearly 1,500 scouts for the Bigfoot Challenge!
During our visit, we were invited to be guest presenters at a trainer course that was taking place during the conference to speak about the Traveling Trainer program and also resources that are available on the Leave No Trace website. Congratulations to the newest Trainers!
The Boy Scouts of America have been hard at work revamping their handbook to include a section on Leave No Trace training. Cheers to all their efforts and all of their hard work in putting together such an outstanding conference. Here is a slideshow that captures only a few of the numerous activities that took place. Enjoy!
Safe Travels...Kate and Tracy

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