Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Our Big Outdoors" weekend with the Girl Scouts of Washington

This weekend past we were in the sunny state of Washington at Camp Robbinswold with leaders from various councils of the Girls Scouts of America. In addition to a beautiful setting and very enthusiastic participants we were grateful for all the interest we received around the educational programs, grants and scholarships, and online programs for 2010 like the Bigfoot Challenge and Hot Spots.

Throughout the weekend we worked with different groups who were heading out to overnight camping trips as well as with audiences eager to learn how to bring the PEAK and TEEN programs to their troops in the communities they represented.

Above are windows into the learning experiences from the weekend. In the first photo, participants are learning how to teach Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces by participating in "Surface Hopscotch," and in the second photo participants are testing the "Rule of Thumb" to gauge a safe distance to enjoy viewing wildlife.

All the best,

Agata and Jason

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