Monday, May 5, 2008

PEAK and Teen Activity Packs on Sale

The PEAK Pack includes six fun and engaging field-tested Activities, which are designed to teach kids ages six to twelve about Leave No Trace. Each activity or "module" can be delivered in 30-60 minutes depending on group size, available time, etc. Regularly $49.95, now on sale through May 31st for $39.95.

The Teen Activity Pack is a supplement to the PEAK program and consists of four educational activities designed for older youth audiences. Regularly $24.95, now on sale through May 31st for $19.95.

The 2007 additions to the PEAK pack include two new modules: “Minimum Impact Match” and “A Leave No Trace Crime Scene.” Regularly $6.95, now on sale through May 31st for $5.55.

These are all available in English or Spanish, and can be found in the online store.

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