Monday, May 3, 2010

Kentucky State Parks takes a novel approach

During the month of May, the Kentucky State Parks will be providing 30-minute “Leave No Trace” (LNT) outdoor ethics training sessions for all hikers, horseback riders, cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts.

These free workshops are among the objectives promoted by the Kentucky Recreational Trails Authority, Department of Parks and Office for Adventure Tourism to support responsible recreation in Kentucky. All participants completing the course will receive a 10 percent discount sticker for Kentucky State Parks lodging and camping.

This sticker will be good as long as you possess it. To get another sticker, all you need do is take another free course offered at the state parks. Participants will also receive backpack tags with the LNT Seven Principles.

As part of the web of life that surrounds us, LNT teaches us how to responsibly interact with nature, how to handle encounters with wildlife, follow trail routes, the proper use of materials, supplies and containers to take along and why.

You will learn facts such as:

· Only 5 percent of Kentucky’s land mass is public recreational land. That includes state parks, national forests, national park land, fish and wildlife areas and state forest lands.

· What materials decompose at what rates in our forests? An orange peel takes six months to decompose while a plastic soda bottle takes 450 years.

Read more at Kentucky's website.

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