Tahoe Mountain Sports — an online, specialty outdoor gear store based in Lake Tahoe — is donating $1 to Leave No Trace for every new Facebook fan they get between October 13 and 27. By liking them, you're making a quick and easy donation to Leave No Trace efforts. Simply visit the Tahoe Mountain Sports Facebook page, and click "Like" to count.
As a Tahoe Mountain Sports Facebook fan, you'll see the latest from TMS staff, who live the good Lake Tahoe life skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking and backpacking in the High Sierra, plus their insights into and deals on the many top brands they carry, like Patagonia, Chaco, Keen, Black Diamond, Osprey, Deuter, Mountain Hardwear, Marmot and many more. Support Leave No Trace and "like" Tahoe Mountain Sports today!
I'm an environmental engineer who loves the outdoors. I'm trying to connect with other like individuals to share experiences via blogging. I like the concept of the fundraiser. I've been thinking about starting a Facebook account. Perhaps it's the right time for a number of reasons. Stop by my blog for a chat or just to look around.
Take care,
Take care.
Ken, I think you've hit on a really interesting discussion - the merits of tapping in to yet another social network. To give in, or not?
I think what makes our participation in these types of communities unique is the manner in which we uphold our ethics, values and passions in each. Blogging is unique because, for many of us, it provides a written forum to express ideas. When used appropriately, blogs and all other forms of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, have limitless potential to affect change and bring awareness to a cause.
Let us know if you open a Facebook account! We'd love to chat with you there.
All my best - Sara.
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