Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2012 Backyard Sessions

In the last year, the Center has initiated a new focus of incorporating Leave No Trace education into volunteer community-service projects. In 2011, Leave No Trace educators and volunteers facilitated 23 such projects resulting in almost 8000 man hours of trail work, invasive species removal, and clean-ups.

In 2012, the Center's target is 65 such "Backyard Sessions" and the Center is happy to announce that we're well on our way to hitting that goal having nearly a dozen such events already scheduled. This year so far, our hardworking volunteers and supporters have:
  • Organized a clean-up of Beaver Lake near Bellvue, WA
  • Coordinated with Indiana-based organizations and land mangers for a Community Day of trail/bridge work on the Low Gap Trail near Martinsville.
  • Facilitated a PEAK training workshop at REI-Boulder for over 35 people.
These are just a few examples of how the Center is working to bridge the gap between traditional Leave No Trace education and "gloves and shovels" activism. To learn more or get involved, contact Education Programs Coordinator, Jason Grubb, at jason@lnt.org.


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