Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Guest Blogger: Mark Weintraub

Hello from New York. My name is Mark Weintraub and I’m a board member – and have been for almost three years. Though all the other board members make fun of me because I don’t exactly live in the backcountry — I still manage do my fair share of hiking in my own version of the front country. You see — I live in Irvington, NY — about 15 miles north of New York City on the Hudson River. One of our local outdoor treasures we’re blessed with is the Croton Aqueduct trail that runs from Croton to Yonkers, NY – right along the Lower part of the Hudson River where the aqueduct used to be. The trail is perfect for hiking and biking. My idea of a fun afternoon with my kids, Jake and Lexi (see attached extra cute picture) is a hike from my house a few miles to Dobbs Ferry for a slice of pizza – and then back. No risk of life or limb or bear attack, but it does give me a chance to pass along some of the Leave No Trace principles when my kids want to drift from the trail or ask why they can’t drop an apple core for the deer to eat.

The picture you see above was taken last summer on Fire Island — just off the coast of New York’s Long Island— another relatively local outdoor treasure. For us, Fire Island was a chance to leave cars behind for two weeks. During the ‘season’ no non-emergency cars are allowed to drive on the island. It’s an excuse to ride bikes or walk — or just to slow down a bit. We woke up and went to sleep to the sounds of waves crashing. Jake learned to ride a two-wheeler for real – and Lexi got even more confident on her training wheels. And for a family that’s as pale as can be, we managed to dodge sunburn for most of the trip. I recommend Fire Island to anyone looking a unique outdoors-focused experience — just a short train ride from New York City.

That’s the latest from New York.

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