Sunday, October 18, 2009

Geocaching 101: Part Deux

This morning we said our goodbyes to our recent travel companion, Wolfgang Von Pitterpat. As promised in our earlier post Geocaching 101…We Need Your Help, we dropped Wolfgang off at the first suggested location, the Travel Bug Hotel (N 36° 30.306 W 104° 55.241) in Cimarron, New Mexico. Before dropping Wolfgang off we tagged him with our newest ethics reference card on geocaching*. This being our first adventure into the world of geocaching, we weren’t sure what to expect. Turns out we had a lot of fun and finally took the time to learn how to use the GPS unit that has been sitting in our glove box for over a year! Here is a brief retrospective of our geocaching adventure...enjoy!

We found Wolfgang at the top of Boundary Peak in Nevada and decided to make him an honorary Traveling Trainer!

Wolfgang perched on the Subaru on our way to Cimarron.

JD and Wolfgang figuring out how to use our GPS unit.

We found the "Travel Bug Hotel" right next to the historic St. James Hotel, which is supposedly haunted!

*No Travel Bugs were harmed in the tagging process.


Lisa said...

Welcome to geocaching! Thanks for sharing your story. Let us know if you have any geocaching questions -always happy to help!

Emily and JD said...

Thanks, Lisa! We will be sure to do that!

Anonymous said...

watch it !! you can't do just one cache. I'm in Mobile Alabama and just got done finding 1 out of the 3 that I looked for today. I need a better GPS unit. So far I have 5 under my belt. It's nice to see you geocaching....